About Us

What is CaribePay

CaribePay is a fast, simple, and secure cashless e-payments system being introduced to St. Kitts and Nevis. Transactions can be completed in less than two seconds and the service does not require Internet access nor electrical power to process payments. CaribePay is perfect for transactions of any size and can be used by organizations of any size or location.

The CaribePay system is always on, processing payments even when there is no Internet access or electricity. This makes it ideal for any business, including mobile businesses such as delivery trucks and sidewalk vendors, as well regular "brick and mortar" establishments and governments. CaribePay even processes online payments and person to person cash transfers.

CaribePay uses the Financial Services industry's standard security technologies including SSL and 3DES encryption to ensure its customers' funds and data are secure and always easily accessible. Additionally, CaribePay will be regulated by the Financial Services Regulatory Commission (FSRC) in St. Kitts and Nevis so you can be sure that your data and your customers' data will be handled confidentially, the same as all banks and other financial institutions in the Federation. CaribePay also follows strict AML/CFT guidelines.

CaribePay provides easy access to all transactional data, enabling businesses to use analytics to gain valuable insights into customer spending habits. These insights can help with inventory planning and other business metrics.