
How it works for consumers

Bring your government issued ID

Sign up for a CaribePay card

Use direct deposit of your salaries, debit/credit card or cash

Top up your CaribePay Card

Use at any CaribePay Merchant

Pay with the CaribePay card

Note: No bank account required to sign up or use the CaribePay cash card. Get one for you and one for your child. Let your employers transfer some of your salary directly to your CaribePay card and go 100% cashless today!

A consumer becomes a CaribePay member by opening an account with CaribePay in St. Kitts or Nevis. The member then receives a CaribePay card and access to their online account.

To use your card, load funds onto it. It's as simple as “topping up” a mobile phone.

Members top up with checks, direct deposits of payroll, transfers from PayPal, debit card, cash or transfers from other CaribePay members.

With a loaded CaribePay card, the member pays for goods and services at local business such as supermarkets, buses, barbers, bakeries, utility companies, and more.

Each member also gets an online account that can be used to transfer funds to anyone else or pay utility bills including electric, phone, water, CableTV, and more.

When the funds on the CashCard gets low, just top-up to continue using the Card."

Sign up

Live the cashless life.

Direct deposit – Give your employer your CaribePay account or phone number and never stand in line at the ATM again.

Use you CaribePay card at shops, restaurants, vendors, ferries, buses, and more.

Just tap your CaribePay card and go.

Send funds to anyone in seconds.

All you need is their mobile phone number, email address, or CaribePay card number.

No need to wonder how you spent your money.

Log in and see all the details. What you spent, where you spent it, and when you spent it.