
Frequently Asked Questions

Each CaribePay card carries an electronic representation of the card owner's cash balance. The CaribePay POS terminal can deduct funds directly from the card, without having to connect to any Internet systems.

The CaribePay POS has battery backup power that can power the system for several hours if electricity goes out. In fact, you can use it on batter power or even power it from the cigarette lighter in an automobile.

To sign up as a CaribePay customer, each business needs to provide the following:

  1. Business license
  2. Identification for each person authorized to access or operate the CaribePay account
  3. Articles of Incorporation and Articles of Association for incorporated businesses
  4. Completed CaribePay application form

  • The need to carry and store cash is reduced
  • Faster checkouts when paying for goods and services
  • No standing in line at the bank to cash payroll checks

  • The customer doesn’t pay any fees for using the CaribePay card
  • The CaribePay card owner doesn’t require a bank account
  • Businesses that accept the CaribePay card don’t require a bank account
  • Payments with the CaribePay card can be made to any business, even if the business doesn’t have an Internet connection or electrical power.
  • Transactions with the CaribePay card are much faster than transactions with debit cards